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Dorothy Yu

Summer 2012/ Mauritius

Mauritius – I was there, in the middle of nowhere

Whenever people ask you where have you been in the summer, I wonder how many of them have heard of this little beautiful island called Mauritius. I still remembered while I was searching on, I was looking for country names that I’ve never heard of. I would like to go to a completely different place for my AIESEC exchange for an extraordinary experience like many other EPs. Therefore, I chose Mauritius. Neither have I heard of this place nor have any idea on where it is. To be frank, I did not know what to expect and what should I expect.  


Bumpy ride; Silent night

I didn’t realize how fruitful this exchange was to me until I have come back to Hong Kong. What made the 7 weeks special were the observation of and the interaction with the people. There were 16 interns from 9 countries in my project “Uplifting NGO”. We lived as a family in the house. And of course, I would never forget to mention our awesome OC. They invited us to their family dinner, family celebrations etc. During the 50 days in Mauritius, many things have become our routine already. I was used to giving a friendly smile to people on streets; used to carrying tones of Mauritian rupees coins out; used to taking bus rides on bumpy roads; used to seeing the empty streets and silent night with shooting stars shining at 7pm… Things were just so different here. Perhaps as I have not expected a lot before, when I look back, I realized I’ve seen a lot and I’ve learnt a lot. Well, but I can only say this is only part of the exchange sharing because the remaining part is left for you to fill in with your own exploration and experience. 

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