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Eunice Ho

Summer 2013/ Russia

A Brief introduction of the internships: 

I joined a project called Sunshine in Moscow and spent half and a month there. In that project, I worked as a Hong Kong and Chinese Culture teacher in the campsite, Computeria, which means Computer and me in Russian. There are nearly four hundred children in the camp who are from six to seventeen years old. Apart from having lessons with them, I also spent time with them, for example, helping them to prepare for funfair or just simply playing games with them.



Unforgettable moments during the trip:

The best memory I had in the camp is called Огонёк, which was a candle time for children and leader to share openly and warmly. At first, I could not understand them at all, but when I saw the emotional flow between them, I enjoyed it and immersed in it. To be honest, language barrier obviously existed. However, I can still understand them by my heart.



Changes that I experienced:

Before the trip, I used to be a person who lacked the sense of security and depended on others a lot. But during this trip, I was always alone; I stayed in my room alone, ate alone and travelled alone. I learnt to get along with myself and enjoyed it. Now, I am more independent. I enjoy the quiet time as I can spend the time without any others interruption. 

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